How To Make $360,000 A Year Using Your Blog

Blog income has become the topic of choice on a lot of blogs and blogging forums. And it is a proven fact that blogs can provide you with a hefty blog income IF YOU KNOW HOW. And I don’t mean ‘free money for sitting back and doing nothing. There are plenty of “gurus” who will sell you that pipe dream.
I’m talking about generating real blog revenue. If you can follow instructions, are willing to do a little work, and aren’t afraid to learn something new, Blogging To The Bank by Rob Benwell seems like the easy way to make money blogging.
Rob Benwell has already earned several million dollars blogging. He put out his first book on blogging for money back in 2010. It was full of tips and tricks on how to make money blogging. But as with all things, the Internet changes and certainly the search engines change and that book is now way out of date. His new Blogging To the Bank book just came out and everything has been updated or is merk new. This is the new key to blogging income.
Generating Blog Revenue
I paid to get the pre-published edition so I could get the jump on everyone. This book has a lot of stuff that the old one didn’t. It has forced me to rethink my blog income strategy. Luckily for those of you who may not speak the lingo, everything in the book is explained in plain English.
It didn’t take long for me to implement the new strategies in the new Blogging To The Bank book and quickly start seeing new blog revenue streams rolling into my account. I’ll admit; I really like that.
Here are some of his ‘make money blogging’ secrets:
How one little blog can earn over $3,000 a month
The 5 biggest secrets to a guaranteed blog revenue success
The step-by-step method for long-term blog income
How to create your blogs with just a few mouse clicks
Building your blogging income business to the tune of $360,000 a year

He reveals the one method no one else is willing to spill on how to build your blogging empire
What I didn’t like about Blogging To the Bank
Not everything in the book is fabulous. Sometimes Rob Benwell can get really long winded about something he’s very excited about and drag the subject on too long. It has a bit of a “stream of consciousness” feel to it. Of course, when you’re dealing with a guy who has that much stuff in his head, it can tend to spill out like a waterfall.
I also thought there were a few subjects that he made some assumptions about what the reader knows and could have gone into a little more detail. But you can do a little research and fill in the gaps easily enough.

Please don’t take offense at this statement but I think you’d have to be an idiot to pass up this book. I used it pretty darn effectively and my blog income is growing daily. Of course, I really need to spend less time on this review site and more on building my blogging income but it will get there. Pretty soon, I won’t need to do anything but “blogging to the bank.”

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